Gamelan Ensemble

Grades 9-Adult
Teacher: Ken Luk
Wednesday, 6:00–7:30 p.m.
Location: Eastman Theatre Classroom B12A
Tuition A 
This is a yearlong course divided into two semesters.

The Eastman School’s Balinese gamelan angklung, Lila Muni (Beautiful Sound) is an ensemble consisting largely of percussion instruments, such as metalophones, gongs, and drums, as well as flutes and voices. Gamelan at Eastman, as in Bali, is a communal effort. Our members include Eastman students, faculty, and staff, as well as many members of the Rochester community. Learned through the oral/aural tradition without notation, the music requires players to work together for long periods to learn the music and how to play it. The result is a sense of group unity and pride for the audience to hear the music and witness the collective efforts of the group.

Each year, Lila Muni performs throughout the Northeastern United States and in Canada in programs of traditional and contemporary Balinese music, interactive workshops for audiences of all ages, and in creative collaborations with Western musicians and composers. New members are welcomed into the Eastman gamelan each year, regardless of musical experience.

How to Register

New students and students registering after mid-September: ECMS Registration Form 

Continuing ECMS students may re-register online from May until September.

Paper registration forms available upon request: (585) 274-1400

Once registered, students may begin attending classes. The only registration confirmation you will receive is your bill. You may log on to check your registrations at any time. Click here for complete details on registration and policies.