Pathways Calendar
Click here to download a copy of the 2019-2020 Pathways Calendar
Fall 2019
SEPTEMBER 6: Kick-Off Party!
SEPTEMBER 7: Ensemble Placement Auditions
SEPTEMBER 9: First semester begins
TBA: College & Career Workshop
NOVEMBER 25 – DECEMBER 1: Thanksgiving Break
DECEMBER 6: Holiday Party!
DECEMBER 23 – JANUARY 4: Holiday Recess
JANUARY 10 -25: MCSMA Solo Festival
JANUARY 24: Last day of First Semester
Spring 2019
TBA JAN/FEB Winter RPO Gala!
FEBRUARY 17 – 23: Winter Break
APRIL 6-12: Spring Break
APRIL 25-26: Pathways Auditions
MAY 11: Citywide Performance @ Kodak Hall
MAY 13: Graduation Dinner
MAY 19-24: ECMS Exam and Jury Week
MAY 25: Memorial Day (no classes)
JUNE 2: NYSSMA Solo Fest @ Eastman
TBA: Pathways Welcome Orientation (mandatory)
JUNE 13: Last Day of Classes and ECMS Commencement & Awards Ceremony