AP® Music Theory

Prepare for the AP® Music Theory exam - completely online!
Registration is now closed for the 2024-25 school year.
Keep on track for the AP® Music Theory exam with this yearlong, rigorous and comprehensive course
- A college-level written theory and aural skills experience for high school students
- Focuses on music literacy, analytical training, and aural development
- Weekly Zoom review sessions for frequent student-student and student-teacher interaction
- Online music theory worksheets, aural skills exercises, multimedia quizzes, and instructional videos
- Formative feedback and assessment for all students
- Thorough overviews of AP®– specific topics, exam preparation, test-taking tips
- Quality digital learning environment and tools
- Consistent teacher presence and interaction with personalized feedback
65% of ECMS APMT students scored a 5 on the 2021 AP Music Theory Exam, compared with 20% of all test takers
76% of ECMS APMT students scored a 4 or 5 on the 2021 AP Music Theory Exam, compared with 38% of all test takers
This course can be applied toward the music theory requirement for the Eastman Community Music School Diploma Program.
Course Description
Grades 9-12 per College Board certification requirements
Teachers: Paul Coleman and Daniel Sawler
Schedule: Students will follow a weekly schedule of asynchronous online class learning activities. Students will also be required to attend half of the weekly hour-long synchronous online class review sessions offered throughout the course. The course facilitator will communicate with students prior to the first meeting of the class in September to schedule the review sessions.
Room: online
Tuition: $640 per semester
Tuition with lessons at ECMS (10% off): $576 per semester
Tuition with lessons and two or more concurrent 17-week classes or ensembles at ECMS (15% off): $544 per semester
All ECMS students are charged a $15 registration fee each semester.
Additional materials fee: no additional fees; all materials — including textbook and workbooks — covered in course cost
AP® Music Theory provides students with a college-level written theory and aural skills experience designed to prepare them for the AP® Music Theory Examination. This yearlong online course focuses on basic music literacy, analytical training, and aural development through written and aural skills components. The written portion of the course will cover fluency with fundamentals, harmony, and harmonic counterpoint. The aural skills portion will cover sight-singing, performing rhythms, identifying melodic patterns, harmonic progressions, intervals, and chords; and practicing dictation.
Note: This AP® course is for high school students only and does not provide college credit.
The Eastman Community Music School does not provide the AP® Music Theory Test. Students will need to find a local school that offers the test.
Students should consult with their high school counselor or administration to determine if credit may be awarded for this course. The Eastman Community Music School is unable to offer high school credit, but can provide an unofficial transcript from the University of Rochester as proof of participation in the course as well as student grades and the course syllabus upon request.
Prerequisites and Background: No prerequisite courses are required. Students must be able to read and write musical notation in at least one clef and show basic performance ability on voice or an instrument.
AP® is a trademark owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this course.
Student Testimonials
“AP Music Theory taught me more than just music theory: it introduced me to new perspectives on music, strengthened my time management skills, and taught me self-advocacy in an online setting. The phenomenal instruction and rich study of the content barely scratch the surface of how this course molded my musicianship. APMT was a critical stepping stone for me in developing myself as a whole musician.“
“Taking AP Music Theory with the Eastman School of Music was a wonderful and fulfilling experience. The instructor, Stephanie Venturino, helps her students reach their highest potential and ultimately achieve high scores on the AP Music Theory exam through weekly Zoom calls, worksheet assignments, and simple assessments. If you are considering pursuing music in the future then I definitely recommend this course!”
“APMT was one of the best, most well-run classes I’ve ever taken. Our teacher was incredibly engaged with and devoted to the class, to the point where I would get replies to emails within five minutes of sending them! The other students were also incredibly bright and inspired me to work harder and do the best I could in class.”
The Eastman Community Music School Diploma
For students at the Eastman Community Music School, this rigorous course will earn credit for both Fundamental Musicianship: Theory & Aural Skills 1 and Fundamental Musicianship: Aural Skills 2 toward the music theory requirement of the ECMS Diploma. The ECMS Diploma is a comprehensive program that exposes high school students to every aspect of musical study and provides a path to personal musical enrichment and a head start on the collegiate music experience. Pursuing this intensive study alongside of your high school curriculum is an impressive accomplishment to add to your resume! Further, students enrolled at ECMS are able to request a transcript from the Eastman School of Music registrar’s office regardless of enrollment in the Diploma program to submit along with their high school transcripts on college applications.