Class Piano

Proficiency Test for PCL 106

When you are ready to take this test, contact Professor Caramia (room 410;

1) Technique: ALL major and harmonic minor keys (fingerings)

  •  major scales; minor scales (3 forms), hands together, 4 octaves
  • corresponding major and minor triad arpeggios, hands together, 4 octaves
  • corresponding dom. and dim 7th chord arpeggios, hands together, 4 octaves
  • 1 (one) etude from Bertini (Op.100), or Burgmuller (Op.100), or Czerny, or Heller (Opp.45, 47, 125)

2) Repertoire: a minimum of three (3) pieces, using different composers and styles from the Impressionistic and 20th Century, selected from (but not limited to):

Adler Gradus, Book 1
Bartok For Children, Vol.1-2
Mikrokosmos, Vol.4-6
Rumanian Dances
Bloch Engantines
Clark, F Contemporary Piano Lit 3-4
Creston Five Little Dances
Debussy Arabesques; Preludes, Book 1
Preludes, Book 1
Gillock Lyric Preludes
Hovhaness Mountain Idylls
Kabalevsky Opp. 27, 39, 40
Persichetti little piano book
Prokofiev Music for Children
Reinhold Miniatures, Op.39
Tansman Pour les Enfants
Wilder Mosaics

3) Accompaniment: a piano accompaniment from the student’s major instrument



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