Class Piano
Frequently Asked Questions
For ESM students:
I am an incoming undergraduate student. How should I prepare for the class piano placement audition?
- Please visit the Audition Information page to learn what material you will be asked to play and how your placement will be determined.
How do I know which level to enroll in?
- After class piano auditions, results will be e-mailed to students before registration and posted on ESM/Registrar’s home page:
As a new student, how do I register for the class?
- Registration occurs before the start of the semester. Registration procedures will be covered during New Student Orientation in August.
The class section I want is full. Can I get on a waitlist?
- There are no waitlists for class piano courses. If a section is full, you will need to register for a different section.
How do I drop or add a class piano course outside of the normal registration period?
- Feb. 3: Last day for students to register without a $250 late fee.
- Feb. 3-15: Instructor permission required to add course (through Workday)
Do I need a permission code to register for a class piano course?
- No, there are never permission codes for class piano courses.
What are the class piano requirements for my major?
- These are posted in the Grading Policy/Required Courses link.
What textbook do I need?
- Texts for PCL101-104 are available in the bookstore. Be sure to purchase the 11th edition!
PCL 101-102: Keyboard Musicianship, Book 1, 11th edition by James Lyke, Tony Caramia, Geoffrey Haydon, and Ron Chioldi; Stipes Stipes Music Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-60904-745-0
PCL 103-104: Keyboard Musicianship, Book 2, 11th edition by James Lyke, Tony Caramia, Geoffrey Haydon, and Ron Chioldi; Stipes Music Publishing, 2020 ISBN: 978-1-60904-834-1
PCL105-106: a technique pamphlet will be distributed in class.
What will be covered in each course?
- Please see the Course Descriptions page for a description of the material covered in each course.
How are the courses structured?
- For PCL101-104, you will meet as a class twice per week for fifty minutes in one of our two piano labs (ESM, room 443 and Messinger Hall, room 410). These courses are 2 credits and earn a letter grade.
- For PCL105-106, you will meet as a class once per week for fifty minutes in one of our two piano labs (ESM443 and Messinger Hall room 410) to work on technique and keyboard skills. Additionally, you will meet individually with a TA once per week for a thirty minute private lesson to work on repertoire. These courses are 1 credit and earn a letter grade that reflects your work both in class and in the private lessons.
Can I test out of a course?
- Yes! Visit the Proficiency Tests page for more information.
What is the difference between the Proficiency Tests and the PCL 104 Competency Test?
- Proficiency Tests for PCL 101-106 can be taken by any student who feels competent to perform all aspects of the test. Contact the Professor Caramia, when you are ready to take the test.
- The PCL 104 Competency Test is required of all students at the completion of their 104 class. This test covers all areas of PCL 104, including technical facility, fundamental skills, and repertoire.
When I’m preparing for a proficiency test or if I am struggling with the material in a PCL course, can I ask my TA to give me extra office hours to help?
- Absolutely! Your TAs want to help you succeed! Just remember that they are busy, too, and won’t be able to give you unlimited hours of extra assistance.
How will I know if a PCL class meeting is cancelled?
- If an instructor must miss a class or lesson, every effort will be made to notify the students before the class/lesson time, through email and Announcement on Blackboard. Notices of faculty absences are generally posted on the bulletin board near ESM410 and on the door of the classroom or lesson room. If you show up for class or a lesson and your instructor isn’t there, wait 10 minutes past the normal starting time before leaving.
What happens if my instructor cancels a class or a lesson? Will there be a make-up session?
- This varies a bit from case to case, as the circumstances for every class are different. But usually instructors do attempt to schedule a make-up meeting. If your instructor arranges a make-up time with you, honor this time; avoid cancelling or trying to reschedule, as additional make-up times cannot be offered.
For River Campus/UR students:
If I have had piano lessons, can I enroll in MUR 118?
- No, this class is strictly for UR students who have never had lessons.
I’m a U of R student, although I haven’t take MUR118 but I have had piano lessons for one year. Am I qualified for the MUR119?
- Possibly, but MUR 119 is a continuation of MUR 118, so it is best to consult the text for MUR 118 to verify what has been covered in MUR 118 and what will be studied in MUR 119.