Harnest, Hannah

Piano Accompanying and MusicologyHannah HarnestPiano Accompanying and MusicologySTUDENT PROFILE German-American pianist Hannah Harnest, “excellent” (Concerto.net, Harry Rolnick), has concertized, amongst others, at the Philharmonic Hall (Munich), Wigmore Hall (London), Center for Jewish History and National Sawdust (New York), Harris Concert Hall (Aspen), and the Richard B. Fisher Center at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson). An invited resident…

Bezerra, Érico Freire

Piano Accompanying StudioÉrico Freire BezerraPiano AccompanyingSTUDENT PROFILE Brazilian pianist Érico Freire Bezerra is currently pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music at the Eastman School of Music, under the guidance of Dr. Andrew Harley. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Rio Grande do Sul Federal University (UFRGS) in Brazil…

Silberstein, Corey

Piano Accompanying GraduatesCorey SilbersteinPiano Accompanying GraduateSTUDENT PROFILE Corey Silberstein holds the position of Staff Collaborative Pianist at Luther College in Decorah, IA. He has performed with instrumentalists and vocalists throughout the United States and abroad, and has held fellowships in collaborative piano at the Music Academy of the West, the Aspen Music Festival, and the Tanglewood…

Hung, Chiao-Ju

Piano Accompanying GraduatesChiao-Ju HungPiano Accompanying GraduateSTUDENT PROFILE Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Chiao-Ju Hung started her piano lessons from 6 years old. She attended musical school when she was 9, and have been studied in music ever since. Major in piano, Chiao-Ju studied with Professor Lina Yeh at National Taiwan Normal University, where she received her bachelor’s degree.…

Hinchliffe, Maggie

Piano Accompanying GraduatesMaggie HinchliffePiano Accompanying GraduateSTUDENT PROFILE Maggie Hinchliffe is a pianist from Glen Ridge, New Jersey with a focus in the collaborative arts. She has performed in venues ranging from New York’s Carnegie Hall to Nashville’s live public radio. Maggie has appeared in premiere festivals such as Songfest, AIMS in Graz, and Source Song Festival…

Grills, Matthew

Voice, Opera and Vocal Coaching at EastmanMatthew GrillsMM ’12ALUMNI PROFILE “Eastman will always hold a special place in my heart. The voice faculty was always so supportive of each and every student. It was a place I felt I could be creative and make mistakes. The academic standard is extremely high and challenged me to…