Chang, Landon

Saxophone StudioLandon ChangDOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTSSTUDENT PROFILE Originally from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Landon Chang is an award-winning saxophonist and educator currently based in Rochester, New York. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Saxophone Performance and Literature at the Eastman School of Music under the tutelage of Chien-Kwan Lin. Holding membership with various ensembles such…

Singh, Uday

Saxophone StudioUday SinghDOCTOR OF MUSICAL ARTSSTUDENT PROFILE Through creative programming and novel collaborations, Uday Singh works to share new artistic experiences with new audiences. Uday’s wide range of work in performance, education, and administration reflects his commitment to the promotion of the music of our time. Uday has completed numerous artistic projects in diverse venues…

Anderson, Nick

Current Musicology StudentsNick AndersonSTUDENT PROFILE Nick Anderson (he/him) holds a B.S. in Astronomy/Physics and a B.A. in Music from the University of Virginia. His research interests center on anime music and its metaleptic role in constructing immersive mediascapes. He focuses on transmedial, virtual, and aspirational engagements of sound in the production of alternate worlds, particularly…

Zahl, Sheridan

Current Musicology StudentsSheridan ZahlSTUDENT PROFILE Sheridan Zahl (he/him) is a PhD student in historical musicology whose research interests involve the intersections of post-structuralist philosophy, aesthetics, and music. He is particularly intrigued by questions of how music can reveal the connections between materialism and ideality in ways which underline how those domains are interrelated, dependent on…

Price, Eleanor

Current Musicology StudentsEleanor PriceSTUDENT PROFILE Eleanor Price (she/her) is a Ph.D. candidate in Historical Musicology at the Eastman School of Music. Her dissertation project explores the generic and socio-political boundaries of thirteenth-century motets and is supported by the M. Elizabeth C. Bartlet Endowment for research in France and the Susan B. Anthony Institute. She has presented…

Brinson, Bethany

Current Musicology StudentsBethany BrinsonSTUDENT PROFILE Bethany Brinson, originally from North Carolina, is a rising third-year Ph.D. student in musicology at the Eastman School of Music. Her research interests include 20th-century sound art and continued experimental and poststructural approaches to composition, particularly involving mimesis and naturalism. She has participated in intensive learning experiences to support and…

Flood, Paul David

Current Musicology StudentsPaul David FloodSTUDENT PROFILE Paul David Flood (he/him) is a Ph.D. Candidate in Musicology whose research engages questions surrounding migration, diaspora, and globalization in contemporary European popular and avant-garde musics. His dissertation asks how members of Europe’s migrant and diasporic communities have engaged with the Eurovision Song Contest in ways that complicate notions of European…