Alumni Relations

Eisenhart Award for Excellence of Teaching

Gallery of Honorees

This award is made solely on the criteria of effective teaching and recognizes a full-time faculty member who, by means of unusually effective teaching, has contributed significantly as a performer, composer, or teacher to the education of students.

2022-2023 Matthew Curlee and Christel Thielmann

2021-2022 Paul O’Dette

2020-2021 James VanDemark

2019-2020 Mark Scatterday

2018-2019 Renée Jolles

2017-2018 Anne Lindblom Harrow

2016-2017 Barry Snyder

2015-2016 Douglas Humpherys

2014-2015 Steven Daigle

2013-2014 Jonathan Baldo

2012-2013 Chien-Kwan Lin

2011-2012 Carol Webber

2010-2011 Natalya Antonova

2009-2010 Kenneth Grant

2008-2009 Reinhild Steingröver

2007-2008 Nicholas Goluses

2006-2007 Alan Harris

2005-2006 Roger Freitas

2004-2005 David Higgs

2003-2004 John Graham

2002-2003 John Maloy

2001-2002 Vincent Lenti

2000-2001 Bonita Boyd

1999-2000 Nelita True

1998-1999 Masako Toribara

1997-1998 Sydney Hodkinson

1996-1997 John Beck

1995-1996 Donna Brink Fox

1994-1995 Catherine Tait

1993-1994 Jean Barr

1992-1993 Steven Doane

1991-1992 Steven Laitz

1990-1991 Gretchen Wheelock

1989-1990 Patrick Macey

1988-1989 Samuel Adler

1987-1988 Ruth Gross

1986-1987 Donald Hunsberger

1985-1986 Russell Saunders

1984-1985 Richard Killmer

1983-1984 Rayburn Wright

1982-1983 K. David Van Hoesen

1981-1982 Jerald Graue

1980-1981 Jan DeGaetani

1979-1980 Robert Spillman

1978-1979 Maria Luisa Faini

1977-1978 D. Stanley Hasty

1976-1977 Gilbert Kilpack

1975-1976 Francis Tursi

1974-1975 David Craighead

1974-1975 Dorothy Payne