International students are only eligible to apply for study at the Eastman School of Music through the Conservatory Exchange Program if they are enrolled at one of our partner institutions. Students may apply for an exchange period of one or two academic semesters.
The application deadline to study at Eastman is May 1st of the preceding academic year.
Interested students should contact their institution’s conservatory exchange representative to discuss the requirements and application process. The representative can give you access to the online application portal.
Our online application process requires students to create an account and submit the following information:
- Application form with basic biographical information
- Academic transcript or record of studies
- Digital audition recording(s) or PDFs of scores and/or papers, as appropriate. Recordings can be either video or audio-only and should include three works of contrasting styles lasting no more than 30 minutes. For non-performance applicants, this should be samples of written work and/or artistic output.
- Graduate areas of study: Performance, Composition, Contemporary Media/Film Studies, Early Music, Jazz Performance, Jazz Composition/Writing, Music Theory, Musicology, and Piano Accompanying & Chamber Music.
- Undergraduate areas of study: Performance, Composition, Music Theory, Jazz Performance, and Jazz Composition/Writing.
- Three (3) Recommendation letters (One letter must be from the conservatory exchange representative at the student’s home institution)
- Personal written statement of 1-2 pages discussing how the exchange will help with the student’s future educational and career plans
- English Proficiency Essay, if applicable. Applicants applying from nonnative English speaking countries should upload a 1-2 page essay about their experience learning the English language and current level of academic English.
Additional Considerations for Exchange Program Applicants:
- All undergraduate exchange applicants in non-performance areas of study must upload at least one video or audio recording on an instrument/voice as all undergraduate students at Eastman are required to study a primary instrument/voice.
- Indicating a preferred professor for study during the exchange period may not guarantee placement in their studio and is subject to available studio spots.
- Course selection is subject to available course capacity.
- Graduate exchange students are required to take a minimum of 9 credits and Undergraduate exchange students are required to take a minimum of 12 credits during each term in compliance with the federal regulations for full-time study of F-1 visa students.