Individuals requesting access to private studios and offices at ESM are asked to make arrangements through the appropriate departmental administrator or faculty member to be provided with a key or granted access personally. Please note that contacting DPS should not be treated as the preferred means for gaining access.
Department of Public Safety Officers will, however, assist with providing access to private studios and offices upon receiving approval from the assigned occupant or departmental representative. This may be done through a confirming email from the occupant or departmental representative’s U of R email account to the person approved for access to be presented to the officer stationed at the Lowry Hall Officer’s Desk for verification. If this is not feasible, occupants or departmental representatives are requested to call Department of Public Safety Dispatch at (585) 275-3333 to make the request and an officer at Eastman will meet the person approved for access at the space. In both cases, the recipient of access privileges will be asked to show their U of R identification.