Seven leading German organists and professors from the Hochschule für Künste (University of the Arts) in Bremen will be in residence at the Eastman School of Music and will give public performances, including two concerts on Sunday, March 27.
As part of the Eastman at St. Michael’s Series of monthly recitals, Winfried Dahlke, Klaus Eichhorn, and Christoph Grohmann will perform on the historic church’s John Brombaugh organ at 2:30 p.m. The program will include a selection of Dutch and German Baroque music and improvisation on well-known hymns representing the feasts of the church year. Admission is free; donations can be directed to the church.
Later that same day, Tillmann Benfer, Tobias Gravenhorst and Rudolf Kelber will perform on the Italian Baroque Organ at the Memorial Art Gallery. The 5:30 p.m. performance is part of monthly series of faculty and guest artist concerts showcasing the organ, which was built around 1770 in central Italy and was restored and installed at the Gallery in 2005. The organ is the only one of its kind in North America. The program features Italian, German, and English music from the 17th and 18th centuries, and a transcription by Kelber of movements from an opera by Giuseppe Orlandini. Tickets are $10 general admission and $7 for students. In addition, Edoardo Bellotti will perform at Christ Church, 141 East Ave., at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 29.
The Eastman School of Music Organ Department’s partnership with Hochschule für Künste Bremen has included short-term student and faculty exchanges and concerts such as the performance by Weser Renaissance Ensemble last fall. The faculty from Bremen will be in residence to study music education and other programs at the Eastman School, and will also visit Yale and Cornell Universities during this current trip.
Calendar Listing
Sunday, March 27
Eastman at St. Michael’s. Hochschule für Künste Bremen, faculty Winfried Dahlke, Klaus Eichhorn, and Christoph Grohmann.
2:30 p.m.
St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church, 869 North Clinton Ave., Rochester
Free, donations to church accepted
Sunday, March 27
Italian Baroque Organ Concert Series. Hochschule für Künste Bremen faculty, Tillmann Benfer, Tobias Gravenhorst, and Rudolf Kelber.
5:30 p.m.
Memorial Art Gallery, 500 University Ave.
Tickets: $10/$7 students, available from the RPO box office or at the door by cash or check.