Outside financial interests are common for faculty, who are often engaged in community activities and other engagements that further their academic and artistic goals. It is appropriate that faculty be compensated for participating in those activities, however, this can create conflicts of interest or commitment, or perceived conflicts. Faculty are required to disclose their outside relationships with the Eastman School of Music so any actual or perceived conflicts may be appropriately managed.
For background on the University’s policy requirements, please see:
Faculty Conflict of Interest Policy
URMC Guidelines for Managing Faculty Financial Interests in Clinical Trials
Faculty are required to complete this web-based reporting form in order to satisfy their annual obligation of reporting significant financial interests per University policy. Information provided in response to this report will be shared only with individuals within the University of Rochester who are involved in the University’s processes for reviewing the outside activities of faculty and staff members, e.g. with respect to determining the existence of and managing actual and potential conflicts of interest and commitment. It will not be publicly disclosed unless required by law.
The Outside Interest Report can be accessed here: https://www.rochester.edu/esmi/
Revised, October 2019