Submit Content

Submit Content

We welcome submissions of articles that touch all areas of orchestral life.

Please note:
bullet  We accept submissions only from the original author of the articles or a publicist hired by the copyright owner to submit material here. By submitting material, you acknowledge that you are legally entitled to distribute the work and to allow it to be redistributed. (If you are a book publisher or public relations firm with copy to distribute, please include a note to that effect at the top of the article you submit.)

bullet  We reserve the right to edit all pieces so they conform to our editorial style, standards and length.

bullet  You may submit your article by e-mail in a word processing file readable by Microsoft Word for Windows or a PDF file readable by Adobe Reader. All submissions should include full contact information. Please include a brief bio, appropriate photos and a link to your personal website (if available).

bullet  Send submissions using the form below.

bullet  If you have questions regarding submission procedures, please contact us

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