Financial Aid at Eastman

Graduate Cost of Attendance

Tuition and Fees

Tuition costs vary according to degree program requirements. Students should refer to their scholarship notification from the Graduate Studies Office for more specific tuition estimates.

Typical Degree Expenses

Typical Degree Expenses for MA in Music Leadership Program (PDF)

Direct Costs

Direct costs are expenses that are typically charged to a student’s bill by the Eastman School of Music. These direct costs are based on the best information we have to date. The 2024-25 Schedule of Charges is posted on the University Bursar’s Website.

Students should refer to their scholarship notification from the Graduate Studies Office for more specific tuition estimates.

Tuition increases each year; typically by 4%.

2024-25 Graduate Direct Costs

18 units including lessons (@$2,050/unit)
9 units and lessons each semester

Tuition $45,100
Activity Fee $160
Comprehensive Fee $492
Mandatory Health Fee $828
Total Graduate Direct Costs: $46,580

2024-25 Graduate Direct Costs

20 units including lessons (@$2,050/unit)
10 units and lessons each semester

Tuition $49,200
Activity Fee $160
Comprehensive Fee $492
Mandatory Health Fee $828
Total Graduate Direct Costs: $50,680

Indirect Costs

Indirect costs are expenses that are typically incurred and not paid directly to the Eastman School of Music.

2024-25 Graduate Indirect Costs – Estimated

Books, course materials, supplies & equipment $ 600
Housing $8,100
Food $5,640
Personal $2,250
Transportation $2,250
Total Graduate Indirect Costs (Estimated): $18,840

Graduate Costs & Financial Aid

Frequently Asked Questions about the Cost of a Graduate Degree at Eastman (Click here)

Graduate tuition is charged per credit.  Costs can have considerable individual variation, depending on the degree program and graduate scholarship assignment, living expenses, the cost of books and supplies, etc.  Full-time enrollment is 9 units per semester.

Graduate students are considered to be financially independent.  Graduate students generally receive a partial tuition scholarship, and may also receive a stipend (salary for work performed). The scholarship and stipend are connected; a student may not accept one portion and decline the other.

If you are borrowing a Graduate Unsubsidized Loan, typically the average loan fee is $216.


2024-25 Charges:

The 2024-25 Schedule of Charges is posted on the University Bursar’s Website.

Tuition (not including applied music studies) $2,050 per unit
Applied Music Studies (lessons)  
460A: PRL 1 hour lessons, 4 units  $12,300 per semester
460: Primary 1 hour lesson, 3 units  $8,200 per semester
Mandatory fees (not including health insurance)  $1,432 per year

Tuition examples:

  • Academic Year Tuition for a graduate student who takes 9 units per semester (including 1 hour 460A lessons each week) is $45,100 per year.
  • Academic Year Tuition for a graduate student who takes 10 units per semester (including 1 hour 460A lessons per week) is $49,200 per year.

Additional Fees:

  • All students are required to have health insurance.  If you are not covered under your parent(s) or your own health insurance, then add $3,720 for the University Health Insurance.
  • New graduate students have a one-time orientation fee of $324.
  • International students are charged an international student fee of $53 each semester.
  • All organists are charged an organ fee of $300 per semester.
  • If a student takes a leave of absence, the student is charged $80 per semester.
  • If a student audits a class, the students is charged $238 per unit each semester.

According to the Department of Education’s Student Financial Aid Handbook, “The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of a student’s educational expenses for a period of enrollment”. A student’s COA is used to determine financial aid eligibility. The basic components of an Eastman student’s COA include tuition and fees, books & supplies, housing, food, miscellaneous (travel and personal) expenses.

The COA may be adjusted on an individual basis for dependent care and study abroad programs.  These adjustments will only increase a student’s loan eligibility.  All adjustments must be supported by documentation.  Students who wish to be considered for a COA adjustment for any reason should contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss both the change and the additional loan eligibility that may result.

For detailed information about the costs of a graduate degree at Eastman, please see the Billing & Fees page of the University Bursar’s Website.

If you would like more information on financial aid for graduate students, please visit the Prospective Students page of our website.

Contact University Health Services regarding waiving the insurance or for any other health insurance questions.

Contact University Dining Services regarding student dining plans.